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Senior Pastor Joyce Dawson

I wrote some words for the Month of  FEBRUARY 2021 & i hope it encourages and quickens you to not give up, keep pushing. Striving towards the mark in the high calling in Christ Jesus. 

The Pastors Desk


ON BEHALF of Pastors Dwight and Joyce we would like to share and encourage you going forward into a new year.

Your Destiny should be to celebrate the whole year and not just one day out of the year. Let's welcome 2023 by counting your blessings and giving thanks and thanking God for another year.

Our prayer to you is to wish you and your family many blessings for the year ahead, and that your Faith shall open many doors you have been Praying for.

I know we all may make a new year's resolution, your first new year resolution should be to get closer to God. He is the reason you are still here.

Let's open our eyes to the future and see what's outside the box, there is nothing to fear, it's a New Year. Let's plant ourselves in our Faith and watch how God open doors in prayer.

In His service,

Pastors Dwight and Joyce 

True Destiny Ministries Church Copyright 2020

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